WebTitan - web filtering solution


WebTitan 5, the latest version of our award winning business web filter protects your network and data from abuses and inappropriate use of resources using several layers of web security to ensure that websites visited are free of malicious content.

WebTitan protects against virus attacks, phishing, malware and misuse of the Internet via these key features:

  •     Simple and quick set up, as an appliance on in house hardware or using virtualisation software;
  •     53 website categories to choose from;
  •     Spyware and Malware detection;
  •     Advanced, flexible policy engine;
  •     Ability to block individual pages on https websites (sites using SSL inspection) that breach set policies;
  •     Time based browsing access rules;
  •     White and Blacklists;
  •     Real time organizational browsing view;
  •     Comprehensive on demand and scheduled reporting options;
  •     Accurate per user reporting;
  •     Very cost-effective with excellent value.

Try WebTitan for yourself with a FREE 30 day trial.

Please, find out more information about WebTitan product and purchase options by writing to dpa@dpa.lv or call our specialists on the phone +371 67509900!


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