Squalio shows its GDPR competence in Georgia


On 22 February in Tbilisi, Georgia, Squalio – in cooperation with the Latvian IT Cluster – took part in a seminar devoted to the General Data Protection Regulation to popularise GDPR among local businesses. 

The Forum attracted attention from local businesses, IT specialists and legal professionals. After opening statements, the Latvian IT Cluster and the Georgian Information and Communication Technology Business Council signed a memorandum about closer cooperation on issues related to EU GDPR.

As Gatis Ošs – member of the board at the Latvian IT Cluster and at Squalio – points out: “Now, when we are just a step away from the European General Data Protection Regulation entering into force, the issue of establishing order in your business according to the new requirements has become topical in the entire Europe. Recognizing that a large part of Latvian companies have partners in the Eastern Partnership countries, it is essential that their clients and partners are certain of their data safety. I believe that this Regulation opens up the door for the cooperation between Latvian companies and Georgia, and other Eastern Partners both in the private and the public sector.”

The Forum was attended by almost 80 business owners who were curious to know how GDPR will affect companies within the EU and what impact the Regulation will have on Georgian businesses which have established connections with the EU.

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