Squalio Lithuania and icy365 Announce Strategic Partnership


icy365 - the new generation collaboration app, today announced that it has partnered with the Squalio Lithuania to expand its presence in Lithuania. icy365 is a project collaboration tool that sits on top of Office365 and enhances the end users experience by integrating 12 different Office365 tools into one single app. The app is ready to use, which means that user don't need to make any analysis, implementation or training when starting to use it. The idea behind the app is to help companies to reach their goals easier through a centralized and structured app architecture. icy365 allows companies to achieve their work and project goals quicker than just relying on Office 365. Through this strategic partnership, icy365 and Squalio wants to offer the best solutions for business, which exist in the market. Squalio customers can now take advantage of the ease and simplicity of the platform and offer their clients the most powerful and elegant collaboration tool in Office 365.

"Office 365 is one of the best and the most popular of all current software solution for businesses. It serves most of the business needs, however, it is very complex.” – said Tomas Dabašinskas, General Manager of Squalio Lithuania. “In order to work in the most effective way, the one has to know Office 365 tools, and how they correlate together, very well, and this is why icy365 complements Office 365 very well. We believe that it is the best and the fastest way to achieve the best results for companies. “


About icy365:

icy365 is a project management and collaboration tool that sits on top of an enhances Office 365, putting the end user in full control of their work and projects. 12 different Office 365 tools integrate into icy365 including SharePoint, Yammer, OneDrive, Planner, Outlook, Calendar, People, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and Delve. All the features of these tools are accessible in one screen with a few simple clicks within Office 365. Learn more about icy365 with Squalio!

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