Squalio is recognized as one of the fastest-growing SMEs across Europe


On Tuesday, September 5, a yearbook of the most outstanding European companies, published by the London Stock Exchange for the second time, was presented at a high-level event in Brussels, the European Parliament. The yearbook “1,000 Companies to Inspire Europe” summarizes the information on the most successful and fastest growing small and medium sized European companies with revenues ranging from 20 to 300 million euros per year.

Squalio is recognized as one of the 1,000 most successful and inspiring companies in Europe!

Squalio was awarded as one of 1000 fastest-growing and most dynamic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe. The annual report is also identifying 1000 companies, the annual reports examine in detail the opportunities and challenges facing SMEs and looks at the sectors and trends that will shape the future of the European economies. "This report is more than just a celebration of these extremely successful companies. It continues to demonstrate what we instinctively know to be true – that these companies are the best hope for future European economic growth and job creation. Never have their prospects been so vital to the future of the post-Brexit European economy, " says Xavier Role KBE, CEO, London Stock Exchange Group. Sandis Kolomenskis, Member of the board of Squalio group, participated in the presentation of the book and shared the company’s experience on dealing with its daily challenges. In the picture together with Xavier Role KBE, CEO of London Stock Exchange Group (on the right):

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