DPA launches business division SQUALIO dedicated to delivering advanced IT solutions on global stage


On June 1, 2015 DPA announces a division of its business directions and hereafter software licensing and software asset management services will continue to leverage DPA but SQUALIO, a new division of DPA group, will solely focuses on the cloud solutions and its implementation, IT infrastructure and security solutions, product development and testing, specific industry solutions and advanced technologies. While DPA has already been highly successful in Latvian market, a new division is dedicated to meet the ever-increasing technology demands in global market.

“Our mission is to create innovative IT solutions for global market that will help not only for business to be more secure and effective but for every user as well. DPA will execute on a broad strategy to redefine the business solutions market by creating the next generation of simplified, integrated business applications powered and delivered via the cloud that will solve tomorrow’s complex business challenges.  We’re predicting record worldwide IT role in every business development that will top by 2018, with exceptional gains in key regions and across key technologies that are being transformed through the use of mobile devices and cloud computing. The opportunity for business to sharpen their products, refine distribution strategy and appeal to new customers has never been greater. A separate business division will help us to keep focus on our mission, speed up a new product development and achieve the competitiveness at global stage,” says Juris Vilders, Member of the Board at DPA.

Company division is not impacting our existing legal commitments with our partners and customers, excepting fact that we start to use a new brand name and logo:


DPA group

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