Benefits of being friends with Google partner


Google is known for the user-friendly designs, however, there are situations where support is needed, for example, migration from other vendors, collaboration tips & tricks, and that is the part where local Google partners come in to support. But what are these partners and what are the benefits from working with them?  

What are Google partners?

Google partners are companies that are recognized for their capabilities and experience. Premier Partners are leading companies (top 3% performers in the country) with demonstrated skills, so by trusting your local partner you can be completely sure about their knowledge.

  • Partners operate as Resellers (provides access to Google services via their own console) or Consultants (partner with a certified technical team providing consultancy for integration, effective utilization, cost optimization, etc). There are also Managed Service Providers who act as clients’ external DevOps team and take care of the public cloud environment.
  • Partners can also specialize in specific solutions or service areas. Specialization is the highest technical designation a partner can achieve. 

Squalio has obtained Work Transformation Specialization by showing success in deploying Google Workspace to organizations, which includes providing services across all the project workstreams (i.e. governance, technical, people, process and support).

Specialization is designed to provide customers with qualified partners that have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven success in the designated field.  

Why should anyone work with a Google partner?

The benefits you get on top can be tailored to your needs, and the nature of them largely depends on which Google Partner you work with. Some of the extra services that the partner offers are complementary, others are offered for a fee. Perks of working with a partner can include, but are not limited to:

  • A security and architecture audit
  • Training & workshops for your IT team or end users
  • Change management services
  • An onboarding path for your new joiners
  • Proof of concepts
  • Business reviews and roadmap sessions

Pricing and operations can be more flexible with a partner

Either you are looking for Google Workspace productivity apps or Google Cloud services, partners can offer the same products for the same price and in many cases can give suggestions on how to optimize spending and even negotiate with vendor for custom pricing.

You can have more flexibility in payment methods and billing, and with a partner who offers services from other vendors, purchasing of different services can be consolidated.

Certified technical support

A skilled partner has expertise that will enable you to pick the right products for your needs, will advise on the best practices as well as provide certified technical support in migration and architectural planning and in daily technical challenges. Your team can focus on core business and consult the partner for development, operation, security and exit strategy, among other topics.

If you start with initial deployment, the road might seem difficult. With a partner you can set up your environment very quickly through a set of templates that you can customize for your organization. This helps you avoid making costly mistakes.

Local experts in your city

Google is a massive company and can sometimes not have the capacity to support all questions. Partners, however, are usually local companies, speaking the local language and are more reachable. 

If needed, partners can also raise a ticket on customer’s behalf directly with the provider and escalate the issue. For Premier partners, the tickets are prioritized, hence, can be resolved sooner.


❗️Important to note is that working with a Google Cloud partner doesn’t replace your relationship with Google. Depending on the size of your business, you get a dedicated Google Account Manager assigned to your company that allows you to work hand in hand with the Google Cloud Partner. You will still be in touch with Google directly. 

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